Wednesday, March 23, 2016

22 Minute Hard Corps week 3

22 Minute Hard Corps
Week 3
Sunday started week 3 of the 22 minute Hard Corps program for me!  I am loving this program. Seriously 22 minutes a day- tops is 38 minutes with the special ops core workout added to a cardio workout. Most days are only 22 minutes long. Who doesn't have time to complete this short workout?? And yes it may be short but you will be dripping in sweat by the end!  I also feel that all the moves really target the core- which is a great feeling!!
The "rations" plan is very similar to my eating plan through the 21 day fix extreme/CIZE and Hammer and Chisel eating plan except I'm allowed an additional tsp of healthy fats in this program! So the rations plan is not that hard for me to follow when I've been doing the portion control containers for quite some time now!  Here is my meal plan for week 3:

As you can see in this weeks meal plan we celebrated my nephews birthday by going to the Texas Roadhouse Sunday evening and we are celebrating my sons birthday on Saturday evening. It is great to be able to still enjoy celebrations while also staying within my "rations'' plan. It really is possible to do these meal plans and enjoy different foods and restaurants obviously while also keeping in check with your portions!

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