Sunday, March 13, 2016

22 Minutes Hard Corps Week 2

22 Minutes Hard Corps
Week 1 recap

So I have the first week of 22 Minute Hard Corps behind me!  22 minutes does not sound like a lot of time (which is also why you cannot make excuses!!) but with these military style moves and the intensity- its still a great total body workout each day! They also show you how to modify everything if you need to take it down a little :)  

The workouts consisted of Cardio every other day and Resistance training the other days, with Sunday as the rest day! You can also add in the 10-16 minute core workouts on the cardio days. I did do this the entire week!  This week only consisted of Cardio 1, Core 1, and Resistance 1 workouts. (There are 3 total Cardio and Resistance; 2-Core) There was one Cardio 2 in the mix in the later part of the week. I cannot stress enough how great these workouts feel and they are done soo quickly which helps to really push yourself more!  

I did pretty well sticking to my meal plan that I shared in the first post of 22 min Hard Corps. I had to switch two meals around but still stayed within my container count and followed the plan. 

Now I need to start looking at next week and planning my week out. I made another meal plan. This is a meal plan for the lowest calorie bracket option with the "rations" plans. Depending on weight and how much activity you get in daily your rations plan container count may be different! 

Yes, there is ice cream cake listed on Sunday. It's my birthday and that's what I am hoping to have a "cheat" with! I gave it a couple colors just because thats what I plan on skipping in my day to compensate for the ice cream cake!  We are also hoping to go to a breakfast with the Easter bunny that morning so I am just guessing on what I'll have there. That's what I ate at the previous one we went to with Santa. 

I did my planning on Friday, grocery shopping on Saturday and prepping on Sunday. This helps break it up and gives me more time to prep! This week I prepped all the onions and peppers needed for all recipes again. I always start with this. Then worked on boiling eggs for all the salads and making the egg cups.  I also portioned out strawberries and blueberries and bagged them for the week. The meal plan says blueberries- but I ended up deciding to mix strawberries and blueberries instead of just bueberries. Then my salads and snacks for the week. I did not do much prepping of my dinners this week.  I did chop onions and peppers for my rice, vegetable omelet and steak hoagies but that was it. I also pattied up burgers again with my homeade seasoning and put them into the freezer like last week since I do not need them till the end of the week. 

Prepping the meals takes time but it also saves time during the week. It also prevents me from getting HANGRY and grabbing anything I find to snack on. It's easy to stick with your plan when all the snacks are ready to go and easy to grab! 

I'm ready to have another great week with the program. Beachbody had to send me another sandbag as well since my original one had holes in the seams and did not hold sand. So I'm also ready to up my workouts a little and use the sandbag this week!! 

**If you would like more information about this program or any other program and eating plan-- drop your email below and I will contact you!!**

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