Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Taco Seasoning

Clean Taco Seasoning
Make sure you get a air tight container to put the seasoning in! I used a bottle that I received as a free sample in the mail from when I had my kids. You can also find actual shaker bottles for seasonings at the dollar stores!
You will need:
- 1 tsp chili powder
- 1/2 tsp ground cumin
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tsp paprika
- 1/2 tsp oregano
1. Put all ingredients into your bottle and shake it all up!!
I tend to make 4-5 servings at a time into my bottle since that is what fits. That way I do not need to make the seasoning every time I want to make tacos or anything else that requires taco seasoning! When making taco's I sprinkle this mixture evenly over my meat and add a touch of water!

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